Nicolas ROUX

Ancestors of Nicolas ROUX

                                      /-Honoré Honorat ROUX
                            /-Vincens ROUX
                            |         \-Marie REVIRON
                  /-Honoré ROUX
                  |         |         /-François GINIER
                  |         \-Anne GINIER
                  |                   \-Françoise AUBERT
        /-François ROUX
        |         |         /-Honoré OLIVIER
        |         \-Anne OLIVIER
        |                   \-Urbane FABRON
Nicolas ROUX
        |                             /-Honoré BRUNI
        |                   /-Jean BRUNI
        |                   |         \-Claudette
        |         /-Pierre BRUNY
        |         |         \-Catherine AUDOLY
        \-Catherine BRUNI
                  |                   /-Claude MICHEL
                  |         /-Bernard MICHEL
                  |         |         \-Alexandra EMERIC
                  \-Marguerite DE MICHEL
                            |         /-Louis MOUSTIER
                            \-Marguerite MOUSTIER
                                      \-Honorade DE FLOTTE

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Philippe ROUX

Ancestors of Philippe ROUX

                                      /-Raymond ROUX
                            /-Audibert ROUX
                  /-Honoré Honorat ROUX
                  |         |         /-Jacques DE PONTEVES
                  |         \-Douce DE PONTEVES
                  |                   \-Marguerite BOMPAR
        /-Vincens ROUX
        |         \-Marie REVIRON
Philippe ROUX
        |                   /-Marquet GINIER
        |         /-François GINIER
        |         |         \-Marquise DANTOINE
        \-Anne GINIER
                  |         /-Michel AUBERT
                  \-Françoise AUBERT
                            \-Anne PERRIN

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Raymond ROUX

Ancestors of Raymond ROUX

        /-Bernard ROUX
Raymond ROUX

Descendants of Raymond ROUX

1 Raymond ROUX
      2 Audibert ROUX
        =Douce DE PONTEVES  Marriage: 1535, Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, 83116, Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, 
            3 Honoré Honorat ROUX
              =Marie REVIRON  Marriage: 16 FEB 1575, Marseille, 13055, Bouches du Rhône, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, Notre Dame des Accoules

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Reymond ROUX

Descendants of Reymond ROUX

1 Reymond ROUX
  =Antoneto REY
      2 Jean ROUX
        =Catherine JOUVENCEL  Marriage: Puyloubier ?, 13, Bouches du Rhône, , France, 
            3 Marie ROUX
              =Honorat GIRAUD  Marriage: Puyloubier, 13, Bouches du Rhône, , France, 

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Suzanne Françoise ROUX

Descendants of Suzanne Françoise ROUX

1 Suzanne Françoise ROUX
  =Sébastien Noël MISTRE  Marriage: (../../....)
      2 Augustine Joséphine Marie MISTRE
        =Benjamin Agapit BEILLIEU  Marriage: 05 OCT 1901, Puyloubier, 13, Bouches du Rhône, , France, 
            3 Léon BEILLIEU
              =Simone RIGAUD
            3 Suzanne BEILLIEU
            3 Valentine BEILLIEU
      2 Louise Valérie Rose MISTRE
        = NESME
            3 Marguerite Jeanne Marie NESME
              =Fernand RIGAUD  Marriage: 29 APR 1920, Puyloubier, 13, Bouches du Rhône, , France, 

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Vincens ROUX

Ancestors of Vincens ROUX

                                      /-Bernard ROUX
                            /-Raymond ROUX
                  /-Audibert ROUX
        /-Honoré Honorat ROUX
        |         |                   /-François DE PONTEVES
        |         |         /-Jacques DE PONTEVES
        |         |         |         \-? CLAPIERS? DE SEGUIRAN
        |         \-Douce DE PONTEVES
        |                   |         /-Louis BOMPAR
        |                   \-Marguerite BOMPAR
        |                             \- JACOBE
Vincens ROUX
        \-Marie REVIRON

Descendants of Vincens ROUX

1 Vincens ROUX
  =Anne GINIER  Marriage: 20 APR 1608, Marseille, 13, Bouches du Rhône, , France, Notre Dame des Accoules
      2 Honoré ROUX
        =Anne OLIVIER  Marriage: 29 NOV 1641, Marseille, 13, Bouches du Rhône, , France, Notre Dame des Accoules
            3 François ROUX
              =Catherine BRUNI  Marriage: 01 FEB 1679, Marseille, 13, Bouches du Rhône, , France, Saint Martin
      2 Jean François ROUX
      2 Louis Honoré ROUX
      2 Philippe ROUX

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Ancestors of Anne ROYER

        /-Jean ROYER
        \-Isabel BRIEN

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Descendants of Jean ROYER

1 Jean ROYER
  =Isabel BRIEN
      2 Jeanne ROYER
        =Claude COMTE  Marriage: 20 OCT 1734, Labatie-d'Andaure, 07114, Ardèche, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France, 
            3 Jacques COMTE
              =Jeanne Marie FUMAT  Marriage: ABT 20 JAN 1770, Lamastre, 07129, Ardèche, Rhône-Alpes, France, 
      2 Jean ROYER
      2 Anne ROYER

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Ancestors of Jean ROYER

        /-Jean ROYER
        \-Isabel BRIEN

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Jeanne ROYER

Ancestors of Jeanne ROYER

        /-Jean ROYER
Jeanne ROYER
        \-Isabel BRIEN

Descendants of Jeanne ROYER

1 Jeanne ROYER
  =Claude COMTE  Marriage: 20 OCT 1734, Labatie-d'Andaure, 07114, Ardèche, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France, 
      2 Jacques COMTE
        =Jeanne Marie FUMAT  Marriage: ABT 20 JAN 1770, Lamastre, 07129, Ardèche, Rhône-Alpes, France, 
            3 Jean Pierre COMTE
              =Marie Marguerite BROC  Marriage: 30 JAN 1800, Saint-Péray, 07281, Ardèche, Rhône-Alpes, France, 

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Angelet RUSQUE

Descendants of Angelet RUSQUE

1 Angelet RUSQUE
  =Jeanne SARDOU
      2 Melchion RUSQUE
        =Anne Madeleine PISSAREL
            3 Honorade RUSQUE
              =Donat MASSUQUE  Marriage: 20 OCT 1696, Cannes, 06029, Alpes Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, 

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Honorade RUSQUE

Ancestors of Honorade RUSQUE

                  /-Angelet RUSQUE
        /-Melchion RUSQUE
        |         \-Jeanne SARDOU
Honorade RUSQUE
        \-Anne Madeleine PISSAREL

Descendants of Honorade RUSQUE

1 Honorade RUSQUE
  =Donat MASSUQUE  Marriage: 20 OCT 1696, Cannes, 06029, Alpes Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, 
      2 Anne Marie Honorade MASSUQUE
        =Pierre LABATUT
            3 Honoré LABATUT
              =Jeann Marie Anne CAMATE  Marriage: 17 OCT 1757, Cannes, 06029, Alpes Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, 

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Melchion RUSQUE

Ancestors of Melchion RUSQUE

        /-Angelet RUSQUE
Melchion RUSQUE
        \-Jeanne SARDOU

Descendants of Melchion RUSQUE

1 Melchion RUSQUE
  =Anne Madeleine PISSAREL
      2 Honorade RUSQUE
        =Donat MASSUQUE  Marriage: 20 OCT 1696, Cannes, 06029, Alpes Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, 
            3 Anne Marie Honorade MASSUQUE
              =Pierre LABATUT

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Ancestors of Antoine RUSTAGNE

                  /-Pierre RUSTAGNE
        /-Jean RUSTAGNE
        |         \-Catherine BONNET
        |                             /-François VENTRE
        |                   /-Anthoine VENTRE
        |                   |         \-Honorade SAUVESSE
        |         /-François VENTRE
        |         |         |         /-Guilhelm FABRE
        |         |         \-Magdelaine FABRE
        |         |                   \-Isabeau BOUNAUD
        \-Marguerite VENTRE
                  |                   /-Anthoine GASSIER
                  |         /-Joseph GASSIER
                  |         |         \-Anthouronne ROUVIER
                  \-Hélène GASSIER
                            |         /-Pierre BLANC
                            \-Marguerite BLANC
                                      \-Magdelaine RUSTAGNE

Descendants of Antoine RUSTAGNE

1 Antoine RUSTAGNE
  =Catherine LAUGIER  Marriage: ABT 13 JAN 1631, Le Val, 83, Var, , France, 
      2 Honnorade RUSTAGNE
        =Jean DOUDON  Marriage: ABT 26 JAN 1657, Le Val, 83, Var, , France, 
            3 Madeleine DOUDON
              =Pierre MISTRE  Marriage: 01 OCT 1699, Châteauvert, 83039, Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, 
            3 Jean Joseph DOUDON
            3 Jean Anthoine DOUDON
            3 Jean DOUDON

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Honnorade RUSTAGNE

Ancestors of Honnorade RUSTAGNE

                            /-Pierre RUSTAGNE
                  /-Jean RUSTAGNE
                  |         \-Catherine BONNET
        /-Antoine RUSTAGNE
        |         |                   /-Anthoine VENTRE
        |         |         /-François VENTRE
        |         |         |         \-Magdelaine FABRE
        |         \-Marguerite VENTRE
        |                   |         /-Joseph GASSIER
        |                   \-Hélène GASSIER
        |                             \-Marguerite BLANC
Honnorade RUSTAGNE
        |         /-Anthoine LAUGIER
        \-Catherine LAUGIER
                  \-Marguerite SILVY

Descendants of Honnorade RUSTAGNE

1 Honnorade RUSTAGNE
  =Jean DOUDON  Marriage: ABT 26 JAN 1657, Le Val, 83, Var, , France, 
      2 Madeleine DOUDON
        =Pierre MISTRE  Marriage: 01 OCT 1699, Châteauvert, 83039, Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, 
            3 Honnorade MISTRE
            3 Marguerite MISTRE
              =Antoine IMBERT  Marriage: 13 JUN 1770, Brignoles, 83, Var, , France, 
            3 Thomas MISTRE
            3 Anne MISTRE
              =Jean GAUTIER  Marriage: 09 JAN 1730, Bras, 83, Var, , France, 
            3 Magdelaine MISTRE
            3 Elisabeth MISTRE
              =Jean Joseph GAUTIER  Marriage: 23 SEP 1737, Bras, 83, Var, , France, 
            3 Jean Joseph MISTRE
              =Catherine GAUTIER  Marriage: 23 SEP 1737, Bras, 83, Var, , France, 
            3 Pierre MISTRE
              =Marie Magdeleine GAUTIER  Marriage: 23 SEP 1737, Bras, 83, Var, , France, 
              =Marie Anne FABRE  Marriage: 09 MAY 1746, Tourves, 83140, Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, 
            3 Clère MISTRE
      2 Jean Joseph DOUDON
      2 Jean Anthoine DOUDON
      2 Jean DOUDON

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Ancestors of Jean RUSTAGNE

        /-Pierre RUSTAGNE
        \-Catherine BONNET

Descendants of Jean RUSTAGNE

  =Marguerite VENTRE
      2 Antoine RUSTAGNE
        =Catherine LAUGIER  Marriage: ABT 13 JAN 1631, Le Val, 83, Var, , France, 
            3 Honnorade RUSTAGNE
              =Jean DOUDON  Marriage: ABT 26 JAN 1657, Le Val, 83, Var, , France, 
  =Marguerite SILVY  Marriage: 13 JAN 1631, Le Val, 83, Var, , France, 

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Descendants of Jean RUSTAGNE

      2 Melchione RUSTAGNE
        =Paulet MEISTRE  Marriage: ABT 12 NOV 1560, Correns, 83045, Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, 
            3 Jean MAISTRE
              =Magdelaine GASQUET  Marriage: 27 DEC 1587
              =Catherine GUILHABERT  Marriage: ABT 17 JAN 1593, Le Val, 83143, Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, 
            3 Honorade MISTRE
              =Barthélémy FLORENT  Marriage: 14 JAN 1577, Le Val, 83, Var, , France, 
            3 Pierre MISTRE
              =Jaumette ROUMIEU

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Magdelaine RUSTAGNE

Descendants of Magdelaine RUSTAGNE

1 Magdelaine RUSTAGNE
  =Pierre BLANC
      2 Marguerite BLANC
        =Joseph GASSIER  Marriage: 31 OCT 1649, Le Val, 83, Var, , France, 
            3 Hélène GASSIER
              =François VENTRE  Marriage: 27 NOV 1679, Le Val, 83143, Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, 

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Melchione RUSTAGNE

Ancestors of Melchione RUSTAGNE

        /-Jean RUSTAGNE
Melchione RUSTAGNE

Descendants of Melchione RUSTAGNE

1 Melchione RUSTAGNE
  =Paulet MEISTRE  Marriage: ABT 12 NOV 1560, Correns, 83045, Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, 
      2 Jean MAISTRE
        =Magdelaine GASQUET  Marriage: 27 DEC 1587
            3 Armentaire MESTRE
              =Jeanne JASSAUD
        =Catherine GUILHABERT  Marriage: ABT 17 JAN 1593, Le Val, 83143, Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, 
            3 Honoré MESTRE
              =Françoise CHAINE
            3 Anthoine MISTRE
              =Marguerite PAUL  Marriage: 20 JAN 1629, Correns, 83045, Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France, 
            3 Magdelaine MISTRE
              =Estienne FLAYOSC  Marriage: 01 SEP 1624, Le Val, 83, Var, , France, 
      2 Honorade MISTRE
        =Barthélémy FLORENT  Marriage: 14 JAN 1577, Le Val, 83, Var, , France, 
            3 Catherine FLORENT
              =André AMIC  Marriage: 19 DEC 1604, Correns, 83, Var, , France, 
      2 Pierre MISTRE
        =Jaumette ROUMIEU
            3 Jean MISTRE
              =Bras Marguerite BONAUD  Marriage: 22 FEB 1626
            3 Louis MISTRE
              =Catherine GUILLABERT  Marriage: 01 NOV 1648, Le Val, 83, Var, , France, 
            3 Honorade MISTRE
            3 Barthélémy MISTRE
              =Marguerite GIRAUD  Marriage: 10 FEB 1630, Bras, 83, Var, , France, 

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Descendants of Pierre RUSTAGNE

  =Catherine BONNET
      2 Jean RUSTAGNE
        =Marguerite VENTRE
            3 Antoine RUSTAGNE
              =Catherine LAUGIER  Marriage: ABT 13 JAN 1631, Le Val, 83, Var, , France, 
        =Marguerite SILVY  Marriage: 13 JAN 1631, Le Val, 83, Var, , France, 

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